
1. **药用价值**:根据《本草纲目》等古典医术的记载,象牙粉具有定惊、安神、祛湿解毒的功效。它被认为可以用于治疗惊风癫痫、痈疮肿毒等症状。


2. **雕刻工艺**:象牙因其质地细腻、坚硬,是制作雕刻品的理想材料。古代,象牙被用于制作图章、饰品、筷子等。在牙雕艺术中,象牙常被用来雕刻成精美的艺术品,如佛教题材的牙雕,具有很高的艺术价值和收藏价值。

3. **整形美容**:由于象牙具有良好的生物相容性,不会引起排斥反应,曾一度被用于整形美容,如隆鼻手术。但由于象牙的坚硬性质,雕刻塑形较为困难,且随着大象保护意识的增强,这一用途已不再被使用。

4. **文化象征**:在佛教文化中,象牙被视为神圣的辟邪吉祥物,常用于祭祀等仪式。它具有辟邪、招财、镇宅等象征意义。

5. **装饰品**:象牙因其稀有性和美观性,被加工成各种装饰品,如首饰、手镯等。在藏族等地区,象牙饰品依然受到欢迎。

6. **实用价值**:在古代,象牙因其坚硬的性质,被认为可以用来鉴别毒物,如遇到砒霜等毒物后,象牙会变色。


7. **补钙壮骨**:象牙粉中含有大量的磷酸钙,这是一种对人体骨骼有益的成分,能够促进骨骼发育和提高骨密度。



1. **祛风除湿**:天麻具有祛风除湿的功效,对于风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

2. **消肿止痛**:对于跌打损伤、破伤风等引起的疼痛,天麻排骨汤能够起到一定的消肿止痛效果。


3. **舒肝和胃**:对于肝胃不和导致的症状,如胃痛、消化不良等,天麻排骨汤有舒肝和胃的作用。

4. **补血活血**:天麻炖排骨汤有助于补血活血,适合贫血、产后血虚的患者食用。

5. **补脑强身**:天麻具有补脑作用,对神经官能症、神经衰弱等神经系统疾病有一定的改善效果。

6. **调节内分泌**:天麻排骨汤可以调节内分泌功能,有助于身体机能的平衡。

7. **提高免疫力**:天麻炖排骨汤能增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

8. **扩张血管,增强心肌收缩能力**:对于心血管疾病如心绞痛、三叉神经痛等有一定的辅助治疗作用。


9. **镇静止痛**:对于头痛、眩晕等症状,天麻排骨汤有镇静止痛的效果。

10. **预防中风**:天麻排骨汤有助于预防中风,对于中风患者也有一定的辅助治疗作用。




### 药效

1. **泻下攻积**:大黄具有强烈的泻下作用,适用于治疗便秘、积滞、泻痢等消化系统疾病。

2. **清热解毒**:大黄有清热作用,可以用于治疗热病、高热、发热等症状。

3. **凉血止血**:大黄可以凉血,对于血热妄行、出血等症状有止血作用。


4. **利湿退黄**:大黄有消退黄疸的功效,对于肝胆湿热引起的黄疸、尿赤等症状有效。

5. **活血化瘀**:大黄能够活血化瘀,用于治疗瘀血凝滞、月经不通、跌打损伤等。

6. **抗感染**:大黄对多种革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌有抑制作用,尤其对葡萄球菌和链球菌等敏感。

7. **降血脂**:大黄中的儿茶素等成分能降低毛细血管通透性,增加内皮致密性,有助于降低血液粘滞度,减少脂质沉积。

8. **抗衰老、抗氧化**:大黄具有抗衰老、抗氧化的作用,有助于调节免疫系统,起到抗炎、解热的作用。

### 用途

1. **治疗便秘和消化不良**:大黄常用于治疗因热结便秘、大便燥结等症状。

2. **治疗黄疸和尿赤**:对于肝胆湿热引起的黄疸、尿赤等症状,大黄常与其他中药配伍使用。

3. **治疗瘀血和月经不通**:大黄可以用于治疗产后瘀滞腹痛、瘀血凝滞、月经不通等。

4. **治疗跌打损伤和瘀滞作痛**:大黄常与其他活血化瘀的药物配伍,用于治疗跌打损伤、瘀滞作痛等。

5. **辅助治疗高血压和血脂异常**:大黄中的儿茶素等成分有助于降低血压和血脂。

### 注意事项

1. **不适合人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、月经期妇女以及脾胃虚弱、气血虚弱者应避免使用大黄。

2. **服用禁忌**:大黄药性峻烈,过量或长期使用可能导致不良反应,如腹泻、腹痛等。



1. **蛋白质含量高**:雪蛤膏(东北林蛙的雌蛙输卵管)含有丰富的蛋白质,对增强体质、提高免疫力有积极作用。


2. **低脂肪、低胆固醇**:雪蛤膏的脂肪含量较低,且不含胆固醇,适合心血管健康人群食用。

3. **润肤养颜**:木瓜含有丰富的维生素A和维生素C,有助于保持皮肤弹性,减少皱纹,具有很好的美容养颜效果。

4. **促进消化**:木瓜中的木瓜蛋白酶可以帮助分解蛋白质,促进食物的消化吸收。

5. **增强免疫力**:雪蛤膏中的多种氨基酸和微量元素可以增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

6. **调节内分泌**:雪蛤膏被认为有调节内分泌的作用,对改善女性月经不调、更年期综合症等有一定的帮助。

7. **润肺止咳**:雪蛤膏中含有的氨基酸和多糖类物质,具有润肺止咳的作用。

8. **滋养肝肾**:木瓜和雪蛤膏均被认为对肝肾有益,有助于滋养肝肾,改善肝肾不足的症状。

9. **促进睡眠**:木瓜中的木瓜蛋白酶可以促进人体放松,有助于改善睡眠质量。

10. **保护心血管**:木瓜中的维生素和矿物质有助于维持心血管健康。




1. 缓解蛔虫引起的疾病:乌梅丸对于蛔虫引起的腹部疼痛、烦躁、呕吐、手足发冷等症状有显著疗效。

2. 治疗腹痛:尤其是脾虚导致的胃脘疼痛,以及胆道蛔虫、胆囊炎、胆结石引起的疼痛,乌梅丸都能起到缓解作用。

3. 治疗腹泻:乌梅丸具有收敛作用,对于体质虚弱、长时间腹泻的患者效果显著。

4. 治疗头痛:特别是伴有恶心、呕吐的头痛,乌梅丸可以缓解症状。

5. 治疗厥阴头痛:乌梅丸对厥阴头痛有较好的疗效,症状包括腹痛下痢、巅顶头痛、时发时止、躁烦呕吐、手足厥冷等。


6. 治疗肿瘤:近年来,乌梅丸在肿瘤治疗中的应用逐渐受到关注,尤其是胰腺癌、肝癌的辅助治疗。

7. 调理脾胃:乌梅丸具有缓肝调中的功效,对于脾胃虚弱、消化不良等症状有改善作用。

8. 改善肌肤状态:乌梅丸中的中药成分有助于改善肌肤状态,对于熬夜、加班、精神压力大、饮食作息不规律等不良生活习惯引起的不适症状有缓解作用。

9. 抗衰老:乌梅丸中的成分能推动颌下腺雄性荷尔蒙的分泌,具有抗衰老作用。

10. 清血排毒:乌梅丸有助于清除血液中的毒素,保持血液健康。




### 益处:

1. **清热润肺**:罗汉花性凉,有清热解毒、润肺的功效,适用于治疗肺热、肺燥引起的咳嗽、痰多等症状。

2. **止咳化痰**:对于慢性咽喉炎、咽喉干痛、声音嘶哑等症,罗汉花泡水饮用有很好的缓解作用。

3. **治疗呼吸道疾病**:罗汉花对急性气管炎、亚急性扁桃体炎、咽喉火、急性胃炎等呼吸道疾病有较好的治疗效果。

4. **改善消化系统**:罗汉花泡水喝有助于润肠通便,治疗便秘,并具有清肠排毒的作用。

5. **美容养颜**:罗汉花中的营养成分有助于清除自由基,预防过早出现的色斑、皱纹,对美容养颜有积极作用。

6. **调节血糖血脂**:罗汉花中含有的成分具有降血糖、降血脂的作用,对辅助治疗糖尿病和肥胖症有一定帮助。

7. **防止中暑**:罗汉花具有生津止渴的功效,夏天饮用可以预防中暑。


8. **治疗皮肤问题**:罗汉花对治疗色斑、肝斑、暗疮等皮肤问题有一定的疗效。

### 影响:

1. **孕妇慎用**:罗汉花性凉,孕妇应避免使用,以免影响胎儿健康。

2. **过敏反应**:极少数人对罗汉花可能产生过敏反应,如出现过敏症状应立即停用。

3. **与药物相互作用**:罗汉花与其他药物可能存在相互作用,如正在服用特定药物的患者应咨询医生。

4. **储存要求**:罗汉花需要避光、防水、防高温、密封储存,以保证其有效成分不被破坏。


When he gave directions to Hou Jingyuan, he didn’t take it seriously. However, from what Xie Shenfeng thought, Jiao Fei realized that Hou Jing really had an adventure and became a big force on a par with Xie Shenfeng. The Jiao Fei in the south also knew that it was Jiao Jiao, a woman who swallowed several emperors of the Li family, who entered the country at a rapid pace and added hundreds of thousands of mountains. All the forces have been gathered by her, and hundreds of thousands of people of all ethnic groups in the scenic area have already repelled Li Tang’s seven-time army encirclement and suppression, which is the first among the three rebels.

Jiao Fei learned these changes from Xie Kamikaze’s heart and couldn’t help smiling. "Look, the catastrophe of heaven and earth is not only the disaster of monks, but also the disaster of people. Xie Kamikaze Hou Jing, these people want to change the regime. How is that possible? Ghost female Jiao Jiao has a real dragon spirit, but … Seven burns may not be willing to let her succeed. "Ghost Zuxu finished doing this big chessboard and I don’t know whether I can walk a few steps."
Jiao Fei urged the black lotus to come from a distance. Xie Shenfeng had already set up a fine around. At this time, I saw the old Taoist’s whereabouts strange and saw him hanging on the lotus. Knowing that he was a different person, he was busy reporting to Xie Shenfeng.
Xie Shenfeng turned his head to see Jiao Fei incarnate "dirty" bodhi old zu and his heart was shocked.
Zhu Wanmen, the second brother of Xin Shen, also learned a few spells. Later, Zhu Wan also saw that he was not a monk. He wanted to compete with others, so he gave him some spells. After refining, he also felt that Master Xie Shenfeng was not much better than himself, so he gave himself a snub. Zhu Wan sent him to the mountain to make peace with Xie Shenfeng. He got an adventure on the mountain road and killed a flying fox with six wings. This demon has just formed a Dan and returned to Wanjian Villa.
Xie Shenfeng didn’t know that Dan Chengjiu said that Zhu Wan’s display of mana in front of his disciples was also generally conscious. Now, Zhu Wan, a master, can’t control him. Only then did he regain his former madness and recruit soldiers to unify the Wulin. He did not resist his hand and became the leader of the Wulin. After that, Xie Shenfeng thought of becoming an emperor again, and then he collided with Hou Jing in a vicious fight between the two sides, each with its own injuries. Finally, Xie Shenfeng took the odd chance to assassinate Hou Jing and fled to Tongtianhe for help.
I won’t go into details since the previous article has already passed.
Xie Shenfeng is an ambitious man who is most enthusiastic about talent gathering. Therefore, although he started from Wanjian Mountain Villa, a Wulin Gate is no better than Hou Jing holding an army and ghost woman Jiao Jiao. There are hundreds of thousands of mountains and villages that can drive the development momentum, but it has been steaming and occupying the most prosperous hinterland of the Central Plains, which is more advantageous than being in the western regions and southern Xinjiang, Hou Jing and Jiao Jiao.
Seeing Jiao Fei’s style, he couldn’t see through the origin of Jiao Fei. He was greeted with a long smile and a smile. He said, "What is this Taoist here for?"
Jiao Fei’s cold face and cold teeth pointed to the wishful monk and said, "It was the wishful monk who came."
Xie Shenfeng smiled and felt a huge earthquake in my heart. "It seems that there is one more enemy." This is also a well-experienced war. Although people are hanging out with each other more and more, Zhu Wanmen is not much more thoughtful, but people are experienced in conquering, so it is not hectic. "If the predecessors persuaded Master Ruyi to submit to me, Xie Shenfeng would not want to start work on such a monk as him. If the predecessors want to save people, it is not enough respect for Xie Shenfeng."
Jiao Fei ha ha smiled at the cold flame in his eyes, and there were more than ten black lotus flying out of Xie Shenfeng’s dozen demon soldiers. As soon as they first circled these demon soldiers, they went into a coma. The wishful monk also turned into a golden light and went to the root, which was not in line with Jiao Fei’s "savior".
Xie Shenfeng didn’t expect Jiao Fei to save lives, and so on. He simply tried his best to collect the demon soldiers and found them a set of multiplier. He was the strongest fighting force in his own hands, but he was still unable to resist the old Taoist priest’s mind shaking with a spell. Xie Shenfeng wanted to send Jiao Fei that set of gourd swords without thinking, and flew out of Bai Hong to huff and puff. This "true sword of Yin and Yang" changed nine times in an instant, sealing all possible angles of Jiao Fei’s shots together.
Even when Jiao Fei saw this recruit, he couldn’t help but admire Xie Shenfeng’s martial arts. Although the foundation of the two layers is unstable and the number of ingenious ways is Dan Cheng, but with this superb fencing, Dan became famous, and his decent brother may not be able to surpass this person in the "swordsmanship". At most, it is just that he is hard to eat his weak foundation by using swordsmanship such as refining swords into silk.
Jiao Fei put his hand in every stroke and two black lotus flowers flew up on both sides of the front, just like knowing the change of Xie Shenfeng’s swordsmanship in an understatement and blocked his sword. Xie Shenfeng was frightened. "This trick is already a subtle trick created by my parents. How can this person seem to have seen it long ago?" In my heart, I miss his hands so much, but I dare not neglect the change of Yin and Yang’s true swords. When the gourd swords are separated, I turn to another killer-the edge falls and the wood rustles.
Jiao Fei once pointed out Xie Shenfeng’s swordsmanship. Even though he studied in Baiman Mountain, he was still inferior to Jiao Fei’s tempered swordsmanship. Jiao Fei smashed two black lotus flowers without any change, and this trick of exquisite swordsmanship went straight to his forehead. Xie Shenfeng’s change was too complicated, and his defensive strength was insufficient. Jiao Fei was clumsy and skillful, and it was easy to lift weights. Naturally, it was a style of everyone.
Xie Shenfeng had never seen such a "terrible" master in his life. He was busy drinking 36 gourd swords and symbols into the palm of his hand, and turned them into a bursting white rainbow. Actually, the two swords clanked, and the means of cutting off Jiao Fei’s two black lotus flowers were changed skillfully. Smart and resourceful, that is, Jiao Fei could not help but secretly praise the fact that he had no idea about monasticism, but he never lost to the nine swords in fencing, a series of doors that showed off scholars.
Chapter 30 Xu finished extricating himself from difficulties
Jiao Fei ha ha smiled and put his hand together with dozens of black lotus flowers to fly out into a rolling black fire flame. Just now, he was a series of magical powers against the enemy. At this time, he became slightly serious. Although Xie Shenfeng has also learned some Daoism, he has always loved swords and led swordsmanship, and he can also make the real swords of Yin and Yang impenetrable and keep Jiao Fei’s black fire flame out.
Also thanks to this true rune of Yin and Yang, Jiao Fei’s mantra of staying in the Bodhisattva also resisted Jiao Fei’s vicious spell of deliberately releasing water. At this time, Xie Shenfeng regretted his heart slightly. "Where did this old Taoist come from?"
Xie Shenfeng’s fortune is now not the same as that of his side, so he was trapped, and hundreds of hands jumped out of his hiding place. Although these people are not amazing in martial arts, they are thin and have mana, but they can let Jiao Fei see it in their eyes. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of black lotus flowers flew out of these people’s heads, and all these hands fainted when they went around Xie Shenfeng.
The magic practiced by the "black-hearted" bodhi old zu is an illusion, which may not be as good as that of the monks of the same rank, but you can play with these opponents of the gas refining series as you like.
Seeing this scene, Xie Shenfeng’s heart was shocked, and it was hard to describe the thought in his heart. "This man’s mana seems to be even worse than Tianhe Jiaofei, far better than my master Zhu Wan’s fear of asking grandmaster to come out of the mountain, but grandmaster closed his training. I have never seen it once when I was studying in Baiman Mountain …" Xie Shenfeng was confident that he would not be killed, although he knew that he was not the opponent of this old Taoist priest. This self-confidence was won after several life-and-death battles.
Jiao Fei didn’t want to kill this person either. Xie Shenfeng was as important as him. Jiao Fei was just a sign of heaven and earth robbery from his body.
In those days, Wuzhuangguan was able to escape the catastrophe of heaven and earth because Wuzhuangguan palm taught the real people to keep silent and there was a magic weapon for the cave. Taibai Jianzong actually did not escape that catastrophe. After all, many yuan gods and good palms taught Qiao Kui to escape from Zhong Shenxiu by Xihuang.
It’s Tianhe Sword Sect’s turn. In fact, the situation is more special than those of the other two schools. Tianhe Sword Sect has no cave treasures, but has Jiukoushan River Ding. Most of its strength has been moved out of the Seven Burning World, especially Tongtian Five. None of them are on the Yang Shen List. Even if they are destroyed in Tongtianhe Dojo, these younger brothers who are still in the book of life and death should be robbed and destroyed. Tianhe Sword Sect orthodoxy will still be carried forward.
On the whole, Tianhe Sword Sect has been robbed at most, but it is Jiao Fei, Pang Wei and Xu Qing, three third-generation brothers Su Ganxiu, Luo Gongyuan, three second-generation brothers in Guo Songyang and one brother in Jin Ao Island. Fortunately, it will not hurt the root of Tianhe Sword Sect.
There’s no way to figure out the changes in heaven and earth except to control everything.
However, Jiao Fei found a clue from Xie Shenfeng’s body and thought, "This time, the catastrophe of heaven and earth seems to be divided into two types: door doom and secular doom. The previous disasters of heaven and earth also seem to be easier if I hide in the secular doom and don’t answer the door doom?"
Jiao Fei, though it’s just one thousand, thinks it makes no sense. He is willing to entangle with Xie Shenfeng, which is also his idea.
"Master Xie, you are not my opponent. I’m here to save Ruyi monk from killing your hand. If you put the multiplier and give up, I won’t come to the trouble. If you insist on dying, I’ll be welcome. Killing a monk like you is just a bit of doom."
Xie Shenfeng has seen the mana of this old Taoist priest, and my heart is also trying to get out of the way. Although it is severe, it has not killed him. He still feels that this person also has the courage to drink his own Yin and Yang real FuJian Jiaofei immediately, and he is also very stretched out his hand to accept the black fire flame and recovered the black lotus.
Jiao Fei reached out and explained his hand before Xie Shenfeng’s request, forbidding him to take a full meal and hold a black lotus. He also wanted to keep this person, but Jiao Fei had already gone away. When he saw Jiao Feifei’s speed, he knew that he was inconvenient to catch up with.
Xie Shenfeng’s hand came to his side and he was ashamed of what he had just been stopped by Jiao Fei. He confessed that Xie Dagong put his hand on a pendulum and shouted, "This person is not even my opponent. You have to be blamed for being made by people. Can I feel at ease if such a character doesn’t collect the flag?" Go back and visit the origin of this person. "
Jiao Fei raised Su Ganxiu to a high place, and suddenly he escaped from the shuttle of stars in Gankun. He simply said, "In those days, Nushan reality and you generally thought so, and he also became a Buddhist. Although he never fell in a big robbery, he didn’t go to the Yang God list."
Jiao Fei was slightly surprised and asked, "So what should we do?"
Su Ganxiu looked up at the sky and shouted, "Let’s go …"
Jiao Fei saw that the red sun changed by Tian Xihuang suddenly fell into a golden light. He was busy urging the mountain and river tripod to get up. Su Ganxiu gave directions and fled into the void. He didn’t leave until there was a golden light, and then he brushed it down and returned to Tian Xihuang’s red sun. Then another golden light fell and Jiao Fei moved to a place I don’t know. Suddenly, I saw the golden light and fell into the void, and continued to urge the mountain and river tripod to move away.
It’s 100 times more to urge the mountain and river tripod to move and consume the true qi than to urge the dry Kun Star Shuttle to fly. This is still the magic weapon that Wu Niang is willing to obey Jiao Fei’s drive. After all, the pure yang magic weapon is different from the true shape series, so Jiao Fei usually feels that the dry Kun Star Shuttle will not move the mountain and river tripod.
Jiao Fei hid for nine times in a row until the ninth day when the golden light fell and didn’t brush to Jiao Fei’s head. Suddenly, he sensed that there were still unlisted Yuan gods nearby. This golden light ushered in a turning point and crashed one by one, and a monk who was closing the retreat brushed the sky to stop landing.
Jiao Fei moved again, but it was not until the golden light fell that he wiped his forehead. Although he was already the body of Yuan God, it was also a habit to move his head. In fact, a drop of cold sweat also made people lose their minds just now.
"Sue ShiShu so go to the so good? We can’t run away like this every time, can we? "
Su Ganxiu listened to Jiao Fei’s questioning, but he laughed. "I fled for a whole year by virtue of Jiuding Yin and Yang, and finally my mana was exhausted. You can’t escape by relying on the tripod of mountains and rivers unless you are now in the body of the Yuan God, and the life and death book of the Stars and the Yuan God is banned."
Jiao Fei knows that it is difficult to sigh. Look around first and see where he is at this time.
Jiao Fei sees his feet, but ideal city is something congenial in the city. He secretly calculated a position, only to be surprised to find that he has reached the deepest distance in the scenic zone all the way south.
"The city is I don’t know where is the scenic zone can also build such a male city? Most tribes in the mountainous scenic area build cities and villages on the mountain. This city is so huge and hauntingly dense that I really don’t want to be built by the local people in the scenic area. "
Jiao Fei secretly sighed with emotion and suddenly thought, "In those days, the four ghost kings fled into the depths of the scenic zone. Was this where they occupied it?"
Jiao Fei was guessing that suddenly a throne flew up in that city, and black smoke billowed from the throne. When he saw Jiao Fei, he laughed to himself, "I didn’t expect that the day off was convenient to send you to our door. Do you recognize me?"
Jiao Fei shouted in horror, "But is the ghost ancestor Xu finished?"
The old man laughed. "It’s your master Xu Zu. I’ve extricated myself from the ghost prison for dozens of days. Not only have I recovered Weiyang Palace, but I’ve also sacrificed millions of ghosts of four GREAT GHOST immortals to Weiyang Palace. I just need a sword to raise this treasure to the illusion."
Jiao Fei moved the mountain tripod again without thinking, but the ghost ancestor Xu raised his hand and released a vertical blue fire, which was printed on Jiao Fei’s robe before Jiao Fei moved.
Jiao Fei moved out of Wan Li, only to realize that this mark was made by the ghost ancestor Xu. This spell was changed from the Excalibur of A-nose Yuan, that is, the original intention of marking the position was to be printed on Jiao Fei Yuan Shen, but it was not printed because of the barrier of too empty robes. Jiao Fei tried to change the array method, but he wanted to refine this mark, only to find that this one A-nose Yuan Shen was firm but gentle and slippery, and several means could not expel it, which could stop it from flying.
"Shit, it’s not easy to escape. How is it that the ghost ancestor Xu Wan is also the Yuan God’s Taoist series? How many magic weapons are there in hand? It’s even worse than the fear of Chi Di God’s body in the combination of the seven elders of Nanzong Magic Gate. How to deal with it?"
Jiao Fei’s mind was born and died, and then he moved out thousands of miles away. Anyway, if he didn’t break through the seven-burn boundary, he could move to a place where Jiao Fei fled. When the ghost ancestor Xu finished, he said with a smile, "You are a little slippery, but I haven’t finished the sacrifice of Weiyang Palace completely, and I haven’t chased you until I pour my hand. I didn’t expect to see this yellow-faced thief for many days. It seems that there are a few more magic weapons."
Chapter 39 foothold
A green light flew up and down in front of the ghost ancestor Xu. It was Jiao Fei who met the young military commander Yan You.
When the ghost ancestor Xu finished seeing him, he laughed. "It’s really gratifying for Taoist friends to recover their mana, but I don’t know what feelings they have when they are robbed by heaven and earth?"
Yan Sorrow laughed, "Life and death have a destiny. I have been reincarnated and rebuilt once, and I still want to do what you want me to do. I will definitely be a ghost ancestor. Please rest assured."

Yunzhu "be careful"

Su Mo took a deep breath from the carriage and galloped away in the direction of the Great Jinxian Kingdom.
Accurately speaking, coming to this battle is the real first battle from Yuanshan after he stepped into the fairy!
In the Battle of Big Tiewei Mountain, he defeated Yuanzuo County King and others with the help of the strength of the town prison tripod.
In the jade Qing jade book, he played against the emperor and the daughter, and outsiders didn’t know it.
The defeat of the emperor’s daughter was lost in his hand, and he would not publicize it everywhere because of his face.
And this war is different.
Once this war breaks out, it will spread all over the world!
"It’s good to compete for the list of days and let you see my means!"
Su Mo’s eyes are full of fighting spirit, and his chest is full of heroism. He can’t help screaming in the sky and bursting into many postures and occult powers.
Su Mo, with the help of three treasures and jade, turned into punishment, and Tianwei was in charge of the lone star, which made it easy to enter the Great Jinxian country.
Then he came to Juelei City without stopping and sending the array continuously.
Juelei City is in the northwest corner of the Duke’s Mansion.
At this time, a burst of light flashed in the middle of the night, and Su Mo’s figure was revealed and came to this array.
Not far away, there are four castellan government guards guarding this escort, and they feel the movement here and look over.
Su Mo’s knowledge was swept away.
These four guards are all immortals.
If it’s really a strong man, it’s impossible to send him to guard the battle.
"I have seen the lone star commander!"
Four castellan mansion guards saw Su Mo hurriedly devoting to salute.
Su Mo looked indifferent and nodded slightly towards the four-person line. Before he arrived near, he directly exuded a huge god knowledge and coercion!
Four people can’t move, some confused and some frightened looking at Su Mo.
Su Mo, without saying anything, directly leaned out his hand and detained four yuan gods from the sea of knowledge to show the soul-searching technique!
He wants to know the information location of Yuanzuo County King.
It wasn’t long before the four Yuan gods were dim and cracks appeared.
Four guards died quietly.
Su Mo has got the information he needs. Looking at the direction of the main hall of the castellan’s mansion, he passed a obliterating machine.
As he expected, Juelei City has been greatly damaged since it was rescued by the wind. Although it has been repaired, it is not as good as before.
There is no true fairy in Juelei City.
The duke of Juelei City is Yuanzuo. He usually practices in the duke’s mansion.
Su Mo put the bodies of the four guards into a bag and hid them.
Then he came to send array fingertips reverberate out a few firm but gentle will send array runes destroyed cornerstone was cut into several pieces.
For example, in a city like Juelei City, the sending distance is limited, and it can be transferred in Qingyun County at most.
Only by sending Qingyun City can it be sent to Dajin King City or the frontier position.
And if you want to send them to Zixuan Fairyland, these forces outside the territory of Dajin can only do so if they are sent to the city of Dajin.
Once the incident happened, the martial law meeting of the Great Jin State blocked the first time to send troops.
Juelei City, this send-off to Su Mo’s place.
However, it is the only way for other cities’ true immortals to get the news and want to come to Leicheng for the first time to support this array.
Su Mo’s destruction of this array means that even if other cities get news, it is difficult to reach Juelei City in a short time.
He will have relatively enough time to get rid of the king of Yuanzuo County!
Su Mo left here and walked quickly towards the main hall of the Duke’s mansion according to the memory gained by searching for souls.
Lone Star is the leader of Tian Wei, and it is almost smooth all the way through the Lord’s mansion without any obstacles.
Li Sanbao Jade Ruyi can not only imitate the appearance and shape, but also can be transformed into ornaments with almost no flaws.
The only loophole is the imitation of the realm method.
Sumo is a sixth-order fairy and Lone Star is a ninth-order fairy.
But the lone star is high. Who among these guards would rashly send out divine knowledge to explore the realm of other cultivation?
Moreover, the guards in the castellan’s mansion are relatively loose and unguarded.

The night spirit suddenly said, "In fact, the situation may not be as bad as imagined. I have heard from my eldest brother that he still has a real body!" "

"Even if his violet really fell, his eldest brother didn’t die."
"No matter true or false, let’s go to Pingyang Town and hear that some bandits of Terran are ready to rob the eldest brother’s relics! Fuck him! "
The monkey said swearing.
Monkeys and others also immediately begin.
In fact, Su Mo didn’t go to see Xiao Ning and Monkey when he was buried in the Dragon Valley for his reasons.
He’s already in a bad state, and it’s already the limit to travel long distances from Buried Dragon Valley to Pingyang Town.
I don’t have so much energy to gallop around Crazy Lion Ridge, Dimly discernible Peak and King City of Dazhou.
Besides, his current state is either two endings.
A breakthrough failure
As the night spirit said, even if the breakthrough fails, he still has the dragon body
The most important thing is Zun!
He’s not dead at all.
It is unnecessary for him to go to Xiao Ning and others to say goodbye.
In the second case, the breakthrough was successful
So there is no need to go to Xiao Ning and others to say goodbye.
At this time, it is already undercurrent outside Pingyang Town.
Pingyang town, guarded by Taoyao, is still quiet and peaceful, and people in the town are still living normally and have not been affected.
The breakthrough of Su Mo in the courtyard has reached the most critical point!
In fact, it is a summary of past practice.
All laws converge into one, and it is the law of heaven and earth!
The power of Heaven and Earth Dharma lies in the fact that this Dharma incorporates all the feelings, essence and strength of the monks’ past practice!
Normally, this summary process is extremely long and exhausting.
There are monks who break through the law, not to mention 50 years, even 500 years, but they may not succeed!
But the situation in Sumo is different.
He got more than 30 stone statues in the authentic place. Before deducing the martial arts, he had already summed up the practice of Xianbuddha magic Sanmen and had already achieved mastery!
Without this summary, it is difficult for him to perform martial arts.
So this process is the most difficult for others.
But it is a hindrance to Su Mo!
Although his body and qi and blood have declined, his realm of cultivation is rapidly rising and close to the realm of dharma!
After all, the deduction of nearly five thousand years has not been in vain.

"Brother Mu Sang, I know that you like chess and I am in Huashan. Now there happens to be a person with superior chess skills, and you and he will certainly benefit a lot. Haha …" Mu Renqing said that it is naturally Wang Yue.

Wang Yue and Mu Renqing played several times, and each time Mu Renqing lost Mu Renqing’s chess skill. Although it was not a natural enemy, it was considered a national player, but there was no chance to win in front of Wang Yue, which made Mu Renqing very wronged.
Wang Yue is not an ordinary person.
Mu Renqing secretly noticed Wang Yue in his heart, and later found that Wang Yue actually knew a lot of lost martial arts cheats. It was incredible that when instructing Yuan Chengzhi, he could always point to the quality in one sentence, which benefited him a lot as a master fighter.
"Oh?" Mu Sangdao’s eyes lit up. "Is there such a person?"
Just then …
"Mu Renqing, Mu Renqing!"
Wang yue yin lai
Taoist Mu Sang was surprised to see that Mu Renqing, the Huashan Sect in Mu Renqing, was the leader with the highest seniority and the strongest martial arts. All Huashan Sect brothers saw him respectfully, and now someone is calling his name. Really interesting
Mu Renqing wry smile a nai way "he’s coming".
Wang Yue came over and sat down on the stone table avenue. "Mu Renqing, didn’t I say it’s okay? Don’t bother me. Do you really think I’m idle? And I gave it to you, but I was in Huashan for four months and more than one hundred days, and I ate 1,200 silver? Are you giving me dragon meat? "
1,200 silver is not a small amount. It’s normal enough for four families to eat for ten years.
Mu Renqing laughed. "Wang Jiaxiao, don’t be impatient or angry. In fact, one more person is just a pair of chopsticks. I can afford it, but look at what you eat. Although it’s not dragon meat, it’s all refined and expensive herbs."
Mu Renqing took out a list written by Wang Yue himself.
In order to recover from the injury, Wang Yue made a recipe and added some herbs to the food every day. The food is not worth a few dollars, but those herbs are not cheap.
"Although I’m not a doctor, I also know that these medicinal materials are very precious. I’m still careful to make your 1200 silver last until now, otherwise it would have been finished long ago." Mu Renqing took a look at Wang Yue. "If you still want to eat like this, you’ll have to find a way to get silver yourself, or you’ll have to eat humble meals like us or go to the mountains to collect some rent from the surrounding fields. There is no other income. Even if you eat like this, ten Huashan factions will be eaten for you."
Mulberry long one leng then laughed. "Ha ha Mu Xiong didn’t think you Huashan School had such a wonderful person. Isn’t your big brother doing business? Huashan school should not be short of money. "
Mu Renqing a glaring sneer at a way "my brother’s money is his own to earn my Huashan pie can he money? I’m afraid the Jianghu will laugh at me. "
Wang Yue’s face turned slightly red. He was thinking about the 1,200 silver in those medicinal materials, but he ignored it, which made him a little embarrassed.
"Ahem, this … I was negligent," said Wang Yue awkwardly. "But Jose, you have also got a lot of fencing secrets and martial arts methods with me. You didn’t give me a penny. Those things can cause looting and killing even if you eat and drink in Huashan Sect."
Mu Renqing’s eyes became serious. "Wang Jiaxiao, you said it was good. You gave me a few swordsmanship and martial arts methods, and I lost my Juexue. If you put it in the Jianghu, it will even cause bloodshed. You’d better not go outside, but I, Huashan Sect, really have no money. That’s what you want to do."
Wang Yue sighed and said, "Forget it, I’d better find a way to get money. It’s easy for me to want money."
It’s very important to cultivate martial arts and money. If you are poor, how can you cultivate resources without money?
"It’s time to find a way to make money." Wang Yue heart andao
"Wang Jiaxiao is said that you are good at chess. Why don’t we play a game?" Mulberry long said with a smile
Wang Yue said with a smile, "Ha ha, I’m afraid of hitting you, so if you can break my endgame, I’ll play a game with you."
Wang Yue played a "rare chess game" on the chessboard.
Duan Yu and Duan Yanqing, the "rare chess game", couldn’t crack Wang Yue, and it was only with great efforts that they found out the cracking method, which shows its difficulty.
In fact, although Mu Sangdao loves chess, his chess power is not very strong. Wang Yue does not believe that Mu Sangdao can crack it.
Wang Yue got up and said with a smile, "Well, you can break this mess slowly. I’m leaving."
Both Mulang Daochang and Mu Renqing were attracted by the rare chess game. Where can they manage Wang Yue?