
1. **抗氧化作用**:茶叶中含有丰富的茶多酚、黄酮类化合物等抗氧化物质,能有效清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,预防多种慢性疾病。


2. **心血管健康**:茶叶中的茶多酚和儿茶素可以降低胆固醇,防止动脉硬化,降低高血压和心脏病的风险。

3. **消化系统保护**:普洱茶等发酵茶有助于促进消化,减轻胃肠不适,同时有助于降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **抗癌作用**:一些研究表明,茶叶中的某些成分具有抗癌作用,能够抑制癌细胞的生长和扩散。

5. **提神醒脑**:茶叶中的咖啡因能够刺激中枢神经系统,提高注意力和精神集中力。

6. **减轻压力**:茶叶中的氨基酸可以放松大脑,减轻压力,有助于改善睡眠。



7. **美容养颜**:茶叶中的抗氧化成分有助于保护皮肤,延缓皮肤老化,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。

8. **增强免疫力**:茶叶中的多种生物活性成分可以增强人体的免疫功能。

9. **抗炎作用**:茶叶中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,有助于减轻炎症反应。

10. **减轻疼痛**:茶叶中的某些成分具有镇痛作用,可以缓解疼痛。



1. **促进消化**:生姜中的成分能够刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于消化,缓解胃部不适,特别是对于消化不良和胃胀有很好的缓解作用。

2. **抗炎作用**:生姜糖中的生姜成分含有姜辣素、姜酮等抗炎物质,可以帮助减轻炎症和疼痛,对于关节炎、肌肉疼痛等炎症性疾病有一定的缓解作用。

3. **增强免疫力**:生姜糖可以增强人体的免疫力,帮助抵抗感冒和流感,尤其是在季节变化时食用,有助于预防疾病。

4. **缓解咳嗽和呼吸道问题**:生姜糖中的生姜成分能够帮助缓解咳嗽,对于常见的呼吸道疾病如支气管炎、哮喘等有一定的辅助治疗作用。

5. **抗氧化作用**:生姜中的姜辣素和姜酮等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以帮助抵抗自由基的侵害,减缓细胞老化。


6. **促进血液循环**:生姜糖中的生姜成分有助于扩张血管,改善血液循环,对于预防心血管疾病有一定的积极作用。


7. **缓解晕车和恶心**:生姜自古以来就被用来缓解晕车和恶心,生姜糖可以作为一种方便的预防晕车的方法。

8. **抗菌作用**:生姜糖具有一定的抗菌作用,可以帮助抵抗一些细菌感染。

9. **调节血糖**:生姜中的成分可能有助于调节血糖水平,对于糖尿病患者来说,适量食用生姜糖可能有益。


10. **缓解痛经**:生姜糖中的生姜成分能够缓解痛经,帮助缓解女性在月经期间的不适。



1. **润肺止咳**:百合含有丰富的黏液质,具有润燥清热的作用,对于肺燥或肺热引起的咳嗽、咽干等症有良好的缓解效果。


2. **宁心安神**:百合入心经,性微寒,能够清心除烦,宁心安神,对于热病后余热未消、神思恍惚、失眠多梦等症有改善作用。

3. **美容养颜**:百合富含维生素和黏液质,有助于皮肤细胞的新陈代谢,常食百合对皮肤健康有益,具有一定的美容养颜效果。

4. **防癌抗癌**:百合含有多种生物碱,如秋水仙碱等,这些成分对白细胞减少症有预防作用,并能升高血细胞,对化疗及放射性治疗后的细胞减少症有治疗作用,还能增强机体的免疫能力,对多种癌症有较好的防治效果。

5. **解渴润燥**:对于支气管不好的人来说,百合有助于改善病情,具有解渴润燥的作用。


6. **滋补治病**:百合具有营养滋补的功效,特别适合病后体弱、神经衰弱等体质的人食用。

7. **辅助疗养**:百合常用于白血病、肺癌、鼻咽癌等疾病的辅助治疗。

8. **治疗郁热型胃痛**:百合还有助于治疗郁热型胃痛。

9. **清火养阴**:百合与冰糖、绿豆等食材同煮,可以起到清火养阴的效果。




### 营养价值

1. **高蛋白、低脂肪、低胆固醇**:海参富含高质量的蛋白质,同时脂肪和胆固醇含量相对较低,是高血压、冠心病、肝炎等疾病患者的食疗佳品。

2. **丰富的必需氨基酸**:海参被称为“精氨酸大富翁”,含有8种人体自身不能合成的必需氨基酸,尤其是精氨酸和赖氨酸含量丰富,对增强体质和促进生长发育有益。

3. **微量元素**:海参含有丰富的微量元素,如钙、钒、钠、硒、镁等,特别是钒的含量居各种食物之首,有助于血液中铁的输送,增强造血功能。


4. **特殊活性物质**:海参中含有海参酸性粘多糖、海参皂甙(海参素、海参毒素)、海参脂质、海参胶蛋白、牛磺酸等,这些成分具有多种生理活性。

### 作用

1. **增强免疫力**:海参中的蛋白质和其他活性物质可以增强人体的免疫功能,预防疾病感染。

2. **滋阴养血**:海参具有补肾益精、滋阴养血的功效,特别适合肾虚、性功能减退等情况。

3. **延缓衰老**:海参中的胶原蛋白和酸性粘多糖有助于延缓衰老,保持肌肤弹性。

4. **促进生长发育**:海参中的赖氨酸等氨基酸有助于促进儿童和青少年的生长发育。

5. **改善贫血症状**:海参角蛋白具有促进红骨髓造血功能,改善贫血症状。

6. **预防心血管疾病**:海参中的岩藻多糖可以降血脂,抑制血液凝结,对心血管疾病有预防和缓解作用。

7. **调节血糖**:海参中的酸性粘多糖有助于降低血糖,对糖尿病患者有益。

8. **抗肿瘤、抗辐射**:海参中的海参毒素对某些癌细胞有一定的抑制作用。

9. **其他功效**:海参还有助于提高记忆力、防止动脉硬化、糖尿病以及抗肿瘤等作用。

### 食用禁忌

1. **儿童不宜过多食用**:海参中的胶原蛋白为不完全蛋白质,儿童消化吸收能力有限,不宜过多食用。

2. **患有类风湿和痛风的患者不建议食用**:海参中的某些成分可能加重这些病症。




1. **杨树桑黄**:杨树桑黄含有桑黄多糖成分,具有增强吞噬细胞功能、提高机体抵抗力以及抑制癌细胞发展的作用,从而在防癌、抗癌方面有显著效果。此外,它还能清除自由基,增强细胞抗氧化能力,延缓衰老,强身健体,延年益寿。

2. **杨树上冬青**:杨树上冬青具有凉血止血、强筋壮骨和清热解毒的功效。对于治疗痔疮、外伤、烫伤有显著效果。它还能治疗腰膝酸软、慢性劳损等疾病,并具有清热解毒作用,适用于治疗气管炎等疾病。


3. **白杨树**:白杨树是一种常见的中药,具有清热解毒、消炎、利水、杀虫等功效。适用于治疗肾炎、感冒、蛔虫症、牙痛等疾病。白杨树皮性味涩微苦,凉,归肺、心经,具有祛风行瘀、清热利湿、驱虫等功效。

4. **杨树芽**:杨树芽含有黄酮类、萜烯类和酚酸类等活性成分,具有一定的清热解毒、抗氧化、调节胃肠道的作用。对于发热、头痛等体内热毒症状有一定的缓解作用,同时具有抗氧化、调节肠道功能等功效。

5. **杨树皮**:杨树皮,又称山杨树皮,具有祛风行瘀、治风痹、脚气、扑损瘀血、妊娠下痢、牙痛、口疮等功效。性味苦、寒,无毒,归肺、心经。



1. **营养价值高**:湘莲含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、膳食纤维、多种维生素以及十八种人体必需的微量元素,对人体健康大有裨益。

2. **清热解毒**:湘莲的根茎和叶片中含有丰富的黏液、鞣质、矿物质等成分,具有清热解毒的功效。

3. **滋阴补肾**:湘莲具有滋阴补肾的作用,适合肾虚、腰膝酸软的人群食用。

4. **健脾胃**:湘莲可以健脾胃,对于脾胃虚弱、食欲不振的人有很好的调理作用。

5. **润肺养心**:湘莲有助于润肺养心,对于咳嗽、心悸等症有一定的缓解作用。

6. **安神固精**:湘莲对于心神不宁、遗精等症有良好的治疗作用。

7. **降血压**:湘莲含有多种微量元素,有助于降低血压,适合高血压患者食用。


8. **防癌抗癌**:湘莲所含氧化黄心树宁碱对鼻咽癌有抑制作用,具有一定的防癌抗癌效果。

9. **润肺止咳**:湘莲常用于润肺止咳,是传统的滋补保健食品。

10. **提高免疫力**:湘莲富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于提高人体免疫力。

11. **增强记忆力**:湘莲中的营养成分有助于增强记忆力,适合学生和脑力工作者食用。

12. **促进消化**:湘莲中的膳食纤维有助于促进消化,预防便秘。


Of course, after he knew the identity of Chen Fei, he also considered the follow-up revenge of the elders of Dan medicine, but there was still no direct fight for the four people to encircle and kill.

Now that these people want to kill him, it is not difficult to fight back and kill him again and again.
I’m afraid that even the Lord of the Sect should have scruples about three points, and that the minimum standard of the pharmacist’s identity should also be the primary holy spirit, that is, the immortal realm master
And the pharmacist is divided into three points. If the pharmacist is afraid of having a fairy realm.
The elders of the elixir are in charge of the whole Taikoomen elixir. I guess this person must be outstanding among the elders. After all, the celestial elixir department is in the hands of this person!
Lu Li looked at the ancient rock, and the latter had a cold sweat like rain, but he was shocked by Lu Li’s cold and icy eyes, and his remorse was endless.
"Will today truthfully out with his three bodies! If there is a false encounter, you will regret! "
Lu Li said and took out a magic weapon, and the whole person felt an abundant aura, warm and moist, and immediately relaxed for one hundred times. Then the imperial sword rose and returned to the place where the Bamboo Sect was located.
Guyan stupefied looking at the semi-detached figure, which gradually became smaller, suddenly fell to the ground and gasped wildly, as if it had been as hard as just holding on for a moment for years.
"This person is too terrible-"
The lingering sound of the ancient rock is like taking off power, but the whole person is in a coma
From the penultimate day of the immortal convention, Lu Li, dressed in a plain robe and spotless, sent his younger brothers, master Aoki, and two elders to worship the elder brother Hong Kun in the bamboo forest.
There is a tombstone in Wanzhulin, which is the tomb of Master Brother Hong Kun.
All the brothers were sad and tearful, and they were very reluctant for the big brother to leave.
This is the day when heaven and man will meet again forever!
Lu Li said sadly, "Master Brother Nangong Hong is dead, and Chen Fei has also been refined by me personally. You can rest in peace-"
In the end, this tone has become very light and detached from the whole person’s mind, and there is a sense of dizziness, which is hard to say for the kindness of the master elder brother.
Hurriedly holding the holy Buddha from Aoki is also a career. Hong Kun is his earliest younger brother. Although he has poor talent, he is very kind and respects his teacher.
After breaking through the realm of the saints, Hong Kun finally got the qualification of the world. Unexpectedly, he died on the eve of the immortal conference, which led to the sadness of the Cuizhu Sect
Lamenting an Aoki Sage, he said, "Today, I will go to the Cuihua Temple, and all factions in Luo Xuanshan will meet after the Heaven and the Holy Spirit explain the matters of the immortal conference. The day after tomorrow, all factions will gather together to be the official day of the immortal conference."
第九十章 仙宫使者

Ye Aofeng came back to the mountain alone, and he still had a purple gas repair. Although Wen Xiaofeng suspected that he would have a purple gas repair, he was helped to block the purple robbery. However, the joy of getting together again after a long separation diluted his doubts. The three of them were drinking in the Guanqixuan and catching up.

However, when Wen Xiaofeng sobered up, he found that Ye Aofeng and Long Zhuilong were not in the room, which made the gas observation technique see that their breath appeared in the back hill of Ziyang. Strangely, the breath of Long Zhufeng was flagging sharply, but when Wen Xiaofeng arrived at the back hill, the sight in front of him stunned him. Long Zhufeng’s air pocket was broken, and he was dizzy in the past, showing his prototype, while Ye Aofeng was wiping blood and returning the sword to its sheath.
"He can’t repair the third brother. What tricks does he have?" My export interrupted Wen Xiaofeng’s words. The dragon is fighting head-on. Ye Aofeng is definitely not his opponent.
"Do you remember how the master elder brother did harm to you?" Wen Xiaofeng looked up at me.
"Where is the sunflower?" I suddenly woke up. When I was a monk, the sunflower was a cold and extremely cloudy thing. Ma Lingfeng tried to make it destroy my way.
"It is this thing" WenXiaoFeng nodded his head.
WenXiaoFeng saw this scene is naturally angry and angry, and asked Ye Aofeng why he wanted to do this evil thing, but Ye Aofeng replied that WenXiaoFeng felt that he was crazy and angry, so he took out his Mo Xie sword and fought with him.
"Did he answer you at the beginning?" I asked doubtfully.
"The nirvana of the reality of all laws is neither true nor false." Wen Xiaofeng showed a puzzled expression on his face. "When these words were said in his mind, my brother couldn’t understand it today. It must be that arrogant wind and traitor’s words prevaricated."
I nodded my head and didn’t interrupt these words. Ye Aofeng once told me before Wang Yanpei’s grave that it obviously has its meaning. Unfortunately, I can’t understand it either, but now it is not suitable to tell Wen Xiaofeng about this or it will interrupt his thinking.
What came next was just what I expected. Wen Xiaofeng was no match for Ye Aofeng, but Ye Aofeng didn’t hurt him either. The killer made the exorcism tactic stun him and took the dragon wind away. After Wen Xiaofeng woke up, he listened to the master’s report that Ye Aofeng was commanding a bunch of ranks to carry the dragon wind away. They didn’t have any other disrespect for Ziyang’s view. It’s not clear that they brought people to the place.
After Wen Xiaofeng woke up, he immediately went to the mountain to look for rescue, but at last he heard a clue. Wen Xiaofeng was folded by Bi Shan Jin Tong to get rid of the purple gas, and then he returned to Ziyang view gloomily. At that time, there were few people left in Ziyang view
Wen Xiao Feng Nai Hao entered the palm closed self-styled and secluded. When he resumed his activities again, he found that the Ziyang view had been deserted, all the buildings had collapsed, and the path square had already been covered with weeds, and the Ziyang view was completely finished.
"Where are your instruments?" I put in a sentence with a smile. This guy Mo Xie was still with him at the end, but in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he was in the hands of the thermometer, which means that he was lucky again at the end of the dynasty.
"When the mountain was looking for the third brother, I met a Webster’s female soft fragrance." Brother Meiguan Qunfang gave it with her when she fell in love at first sight. "Remembering that the beautiful woman Wen Xiaofeng showed a long-lost smile.
"What happened later?" I asked to listen to Wen Xiaofeng’s tone. He didn’t seem to know that this woman surnamed Wei had given him an heir, and he didn’t even know that his descendants were now taking Mo Xie to Ziyang view.
"Bitter" Wen Xiaofeng shook his head with a wry smile
It was a hard life when he just resumed his operation. Without him, he had no friends and relatives, and his life almost became a problem. Moreover, he had no identity documents and could not find a job to make a living.
Moreover, at that time, the state severely cracked down on feudal superstitions. He even begged before he resumed his studies. Later, he fled to Beijing. By chance, he met the Lins’ master Lin, who was discerning and knowledgeable. Although he was down and out, his brow was proud and distinguished. When he talked about it, he found that he was pregnant with Taoism and enthusiastically led him to help the Lins.
"When do you break the purple gas and suffer from chronic diseases?" I raised my hand and looked at my watch again. There are still three hours before I leave. When he finishes, I will tell him what I know.
"I don’t know about these terminal diseases, but it must be the Bithan Jintong itself." Wen Xiaofeng shook his head with a wry smile. "Purple gas repair was made by my brother’s own hard work."
"Brother, have you ever been to the ancient city of Ziqi in Kunlun Mountain before you got Ziqi?" I am amazed that Wen Xiaofeng’s soldiers will win the battle alone, and at the same time I am even more puzzled that his terminal illness is the reason why people in monasticism are rushing to protect themselves. Although there have been many successful precedents since ancient times, Wen Xiaofeng took risks after learning that he was terminally ill.
"In those days, my brother did lead people into the Lins of Kunlun Mountain to look for tombs before breaking the purple, but he didn’t see a city built in Kunlun Mountain." Wen Xiaofeng looked at me with an inquiring look.
"Have you ever seen a water dragon?" I didn’t answer his doubts, but continued to ask about the lake where Sanyin Bishui lived, which was not far from the Mausoleum of Qin Dynasty and the ancient city of Ziqi, and it would also be seriously irradiated there.
"There are many" WenXiaoFeng nodded and answered.
"How long did you stay there?" I associate it with Taoist Huang Mei who told me about the scene that his younger brother would die of madness if he stayed in the ancient city of Ziqi for half a month, but it is understandable that Wen Xiaofeng didn’t know the ancient city of Ziqi, because he was still some distance away from the ancient city of Ziqi that day, and he couldn’t cast ling spells at that time, so he naturally couldn’t look down.
"At the gate of the ancient tomb, a group of poison bee brothers observed it for more than a month and tried to break it." Wen Xiaofeng looked bleak and asked, but he didn’t find a way to restrain the wasp. According to his voice, he didn’t know that the ancient tomb was the mausoleum of Qin Emperor.
"Brother, there is the Tomb of the Qin Dynasty." I wanted to think about it and said that Wen Xiaofeng experienced things. I basically understood what happened afterwards. I have learned the cause of Wen Xiaofeng from Lao Li’s mouth. I also guessed the 19th. He was probably also exposed to radiation.
However, there is a problem in this way, because the radiation in the ancient city of Kunlun was obviously derived from the anti-God artifact, which was stolen by the disciples in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. It is reasonable to say that the radiation will gradually weaken after the artifact was stolen, but according to the current situation, the radiation there has not weakened, which means that the anti-God artifact is not far from the ancient city of Kunlun. Is it possible that the anti-God artifact, which caused disputes among the four religions, was brought into the Qin Mausoleum by those disciples in those years?
Wen Xiaofeng didn’t show much interest in the fact that the ancient tomb was the mausoleum of the Qin Dynasty. He nodded gently, and I told him what happened to himself and King Kong Bao in this life. When he heard about the situation of the dragon wind, Wen Xiaofeng sighed for a long time, and the reason for his sigh was obvious. That is, if he plundered more than 1,300 miles to the south, he would find the ancient tomb in Li Zicheng. At that time, if he rescued it, maybe the dragon wind could still live.
As time was pressing, I tried to tell what happened briefly, and Wen Xiaofeng fell into a long silence.
"Today, we are going to hold a ceremony at Ziyang Temple?" Wen Xiaofeng looked up at me.
"I’m the seventh brother, please come back." I stretched out my hand and pointed to the warm and whistling atmosphere sea next door. I sealed it, and the method of adjusting the aura naturally made the observation of Qi.
"Are you going to Jiuhua Mountain tomorrow?" WenXiaoFeng ask again
"Even if the soul is left, she is my woman." I nodded heavily.
"Nine brother, you take back the aura and help me call the inclinometer. I want to say a few words to her." Wen Xiaofeng sat up with his arm up.
"You stay a moment" I sighed and withdrew the aura that trapped him, got up and walked out of the room.
After a few seconds, I found that I had made a mistake, because I just walked out of the room and felt a sudden surge of warm breeze behind me. When I turned around in a hurry, I found that Wen Xiaofeng’s hands had been put from the beginning.
"Brother, what are you doing?" I shouted at him angrily that he was terminally ill and should not have such a strong aura unless he forcibly sealed the Yuan God to unite his physical disability as he did in those days, but in this way, although he could have a strong aura for a short time and recover from it, it would also accelerate his death.
"Brother Gou Yan today wants to rescue the third brother, and now the third brother has gone to Ziyang view, presided over by you, and will be brilliant again. I also rest assured that Wen Xiaofeng will deal with it because of you." Brother, I will go with you to let the thief know that I am good at Ziyang airbending. "
"Brother …" Wen Xiaofeng’s words instantly choked me. He forced Yuan Shen to leave me after three days of life, and I naturally understand why he did it. He wanted to help me again before he died.
"Man with a man, so that daughter’s posture" Wen Xiaofeng laughed "Take me to see Brother Seven"
Chapter 266 A glimpse through the ages
"Brother Seven is not in good condition." I got up and stopped Wen Xiaofeng.
"How come that woman is human again?" Wen Xiaofeng slightly narrowed his eyes and turned to look west. His aura has returned to nature. You can see that the ram leans against the wind with different breath.
"Seven senior brothers were besieged by extreme views in the East China Sea War." I shook my head and sighed. "That woman is the head of Qingqiu Xuanhu Fox, and it is her soul-fixing device that forcibly keeps the soul of seven senior brothers."
WenXiaoFeng after hearing my words frown closed his eyes for a moment before suddenly turned around and went out.
Guan Qi Xuan strolled to the front of Ram Yi Feng’s house as usual, and hesitated for a moment before bending down to pay tribute to "Wen Xiao Feng, the foolish brother of the Seventh Senior Brother"
The room was quickly pulled, and the master was naturally Da Ji Mei Er. At this moment, it was dawn and everyone had already got up.
"Who is Yu Zhangjiao?" Da ji mei son doesn’t know WenXiaoFeng this is directed at me.
"This is brother Feng Xiao, who is being original." I said a few steps ago, "Brother, this is the head of Qingqiu Da Ji."
"measure the Buddha"
"Da Ji Mei Er has seen Feng Xiao’s real person."
After they met each other, Da Ji Mei-er reached out to welcome guests. I reached out and asked Wen Xiaofeng to go first. Wen Xiaofeng did not refuse to take the lead in entering the room.
"Seven elder brothers always see you coming" WenXiaoFeng quickly walked to the ram leaning against the wind and saluted.

He has lived for so long and known many geniuses. Naturally, he is also very aware of the so-called "pride goes before a fall". Those who look down on the sky will encounter setbacks.

Don’t say that he is from the south world alone and it is a ghost emperor who divides his soul in Yang Guang, so he may not be able to do it.
What’s more, so many senior Wu Zun and strong men besieged him alone?
Let’s just say it’s impossible unless Emperor Wu comes.
The leapfrog challenge is very powerful, yes, but how many of them will not leapfrog the challenge?
"It’s not that I’m not afraid of death, but that I know what’ weak country diplomacy’ means. If you don’t understand this, it means that we in Middle-earth must not be very bad if we want to treat you as equals."
Yang guang also looked at the so-called dragon and made an analogy: "It’s like you god beasts can treat you equally, that is, a few powerful god beasts, such as the Phoenix clan, instead of some earthworm reptiles."
Yang guang this sentence is a bit like for the western dragon.
But he is to please a phoenix family to make the dragon statue of the Oriental Dragon clan a little happy.
In other words, he was glad to see that some creatures mocked those western dragons with him.
It’s also the theorem of "peers hate each other", right?
But he doesn’t like Yang Guang’s arrogant words.
One yard to one yard.
Finally, I plan to teach Yang Guang that human beings or other creatures account for 70 percent of the total. You know, now it has reached more than 40 people with the lowest fighting capacity comparable to that of senior Wu Zun. What a terrible number!
East magic world side mo Tao Buddha busy didn’t come forward, but a few followed to Wu Zun and Yang Guang didn’t connect.
Nature also choose to prepare lessons Yang guang.
It is worth one thing that there will be several to ten representatives of creatures in a big world, and the demon family is naturally a dragon statue and a phoenix family, including some demon statues.
This one went to war, so it’s a fair amount.
What about the western fantasy world?
Those so-called blood clans, including Frank, who was hit hard, also chose to join in because this may be his last chance to target Yang Guang.
There are some so-called prince-level werewolves, vampires and blood wolves who belong to the same world, but they are different from the mainland elves, because elves generally advocate peace.
Of course, none of the so-called western dragons joined the revenge against Yang Guang unless there were some fantastic creatures who didn’t join them.
Obviously want to watch the fun, or just be a neutral bystander.
What about the South World?
Base can say that unless the very cold "ghost emperor divided the soul" chose to join, that is to say, Yang Guangke confirmed that the two Emperor Wu-level avatars chose not to interfere.
On the contrary, those Shinto practitioners from the northern world are generally able to exert their strength and combat effectiveness here.
The reason is simple, because they need to consume a lot of faith to gain strong combat power, and the more believers, the more they can support them to fight, and they still have a steady stream of high-intensity combat power.
But if they leave the lair of the northern world and come to Middle-earth, it’s like a tiger with no claws cutting off its arms.
In ordinary times, the fighting capacity is comparable to that of ordinary budo practitioners
However, it would be horrible to attack the belief force regardless of the cost. All these powers add up to a force of extreme terror.
Then fighting here is likely to cause great disaster.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let’s go to Taitai for a world war I?" Yang Guang’s current position is still too close to Middle-earth, and powerful energy fluctuations are likely to wave to Middle-earth.
It will not be good for anyone then.
Yang guang even arranged a lot of large-scale law in the whole world, but it may not be able to resist these aftermath.
"You can choose anywhere", a senior Wu Zun from the East Fantasy World, said, feeling that he was powerful. Otherwise, there would be no problem and he didn’t care about the so-called venue.
After Yang Guangwen’s speech, he also flew away directly in the direction of Taiwai. It seems that he is not worried that those creatures will not come because Yang Guangwen knows that they don’t seem to find fault but come to talk about it.
It is Yang Guang who thinks that some things have to be solved before we can talk about it, so that his position in the world can be upgraded.
Who makes Middle-earth a middle-class world?
Instead of the advanced big world?
But then again, how much water a barrel can hold does not depend on the highest board, but on the lowest one. Now that the five realms are ready to be unified and Yang Guang is in the middle-earth world, it will be no use.
Otherwise, even if the universe is integrated, the world will be incomplete.
Chapter one hundred and ninety-nine Merit bonus
Yang Guang’s current position in Middle-earth is a bit awkward.
It is an inseparable part of the universal world and indispensable to the unity of the five realms. However, because there is no strong Emperor Wu in this world, Yang Guang does not dare to ascend to the advanced world category.
Of course, a Emperor Wu is not enough.
However, it is not too much to worry that once the Middle-earth is promoted to the advanced world, the gift of heaven will definitely make some Wu Zun achieve Emperor Wu.
Even if two of them are junior Wu Zun, that is to say, Castle Peak Sword Zun and Green Water Knife Zun, plus Yang Guang’s words, are dead, that is, three Emperor Wu.
But enough.
Yang guang can become a pillar.
He has this assurance and Yang Guang also thinks that Heaven will never be an "alternative life" without self-thinking.
However, Yang Guang didn’t finish acquiring the source Tao and synthesizing the strongest Tao before he achieved Emperor Wu. He planned to follow his own pace and take corresponding actions only after he determined that other worlds were hostile.
But now so many Wu Zun come to Middle-earth not because other worlds don’t have the level of Emperor Wu, but because they are suppressed by the heaven in this world and can’t enter.
That is to say, reaching the level of senior Wu Zun is the bottom line for them to enter this world, which is also the degree that Yang Guang can resist.
According to the will of heaven in this world, it’s actually a bit weird.
A so-called warrior world is the level since the blood clan earl can enter, but also will be suppressed a little bit of strength is the so-called blood clan duke that unless it is particularly expensive to enter a little.
The strength is suppressed and can’t stay long.
Typical thankless
Subsequent blood clan duke, that is, equivalent to the so-called warrior, can also enter Middle-earth, but at that time it should still be called "Warrior World", which did not reach the level of Middle-earth.

"Demon hunters are interesting" Jade Duxiu chuckled.

"Let’s go to find my essence first," said Jade Bodhisattva.
Jade Duxiu smell speech nodded "or go"
Chapter 137 Straight to straight
I’m not interested in this world monster, Jade Show, Jade Bodhisattva. Now Jade Bodhisattva wants to get his treasure back.
"Hung-chun, when were you young? When did you study the road of destiny so thoroughly? Why can’t I see where there is something weird?" Jade bodhi old zu muttered.
Jade Duxiu smell speech chuckle "bodhi old zu can’t see it is right, if I can see it, it would be in trouble"
Unique skill is a unique skill of jade. Except for Chen Sheng, few people in all worlds can understand SIRS’ ancestors, and they also know that they rely on their own guesses.
Jade show jade bodhi old zu stop-and-go all the way with the jade bodhi old zu induction came to a halls in the city.
Yu Duxiu looked at the Mufu with silly eyes. "Are you sure your treasure is here?"
"Things have changed. Millions of years ago, in this small world, human beings still blew their hair and drank blood. I never thought that today is full of flowers and dazzling." Jade bodhi old zu sighed gently.
"This is no ordinary family."
The two giant stone lions at the entrance of the scarlet gate of Gaomen Courtyard all look unusual.
Although I have never seen the scene in the courtyard, it is not ordinary people to look at this blue brick wall.
"Let’s just call in?" Yudu avenue
"Are you kidding?" Jade bodhi old zu smiled coldly. "This method is not good. Let’s change it to another method."
"Then dig a hole in the ground," Jade Duxiu said.
"Are you going to dig?" Jade bodhi old zu looked at Jade Duxiu.
"You asked me to dig your treasure?" Jade Duxiu looked at the bodhi old zu jade.
"It’s really troublesome, bodhi old zu. I want to get my treasure back. Where is the strength?" Jade bodhi old zu muttered and looked at the scarlet door and slammed on it! Door "
"Who is it?"
A dozen servants came out and looked at the jade bodhi old zu. "Where did the little doll dare to come here and leave quickly or I’ll beat you?"
Jade bodhi old zu held his head high and said, "Hurry up and call your master out, little ye. I’m here to get back your own things. If you are well-advised, tell us to take them away, or we’ll raze your Mufu."
Looking at the jade bodhi old zu jade show suddenly dumbfounded this fellow can also be like this?
"Where to go, where to go, little bastard, even dare to make trouble here." The servant rolled up his sleeves and smashed it towards the jade bodhi old zu.
Jade bodhi old zu stepped back to the jade show in the distance and said, "Hongjun, you’re too young to help."
The servant looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "Are you the little doll’s family?"
The servant has some eyesight to see the jade bodhi old zu, who is dressed strangely, but the material is good.
Before Yu Duxiu strolled slowly, "Call your master to speak."
The words were indifferent, but there was an unquestionable domineering attitude. When the servant heard the words, he turned and walked towards the gate.
In a quiet little building in Mufu, two beautiful girls are embroidering. The bigger ones are beautiful and plump. They are in their mid-twenties, holding their hair on their temples as women, and they are still young and immature.
"Sister-in-law, what should I do about this disaster in Mufu?" The smaller woman suddenly said
The woman heard that the needle and thread in her hand stopped. "In recent years, Mufu’s situation in the border area has become more and more difficult. Last year, your brother was assassinated, and my Mufu’s situation became more and more difficult. The court secretly suspected and secretly watched me. How can Mufu be like this? I can see the move! "
"I heard that the Mufu demon hunting team was ambushed in the mountains." The smaller woman said.
"Half of the casualties came alive," the woman said.
"The other day, my Mufu shop was also smashed by people. These bastards are getting more and more scared." The smaller woman gnashed her teeth.